I really do love blogs, but I must say that its very tempting to make our blog private. I think thats what I'm going to do for one reason... People that you don't even know commenting not nice things on your blog. I changed the comment setting so I could read them and decide to post them or not. I'm really glad I did because just today I got another comment that was way out of line. I love hearing from people I know and seeing their blogs. It's so nice to be able to hear of fun updates of old friends, new friends, and family. I feel like it's a way to stay in touch and keep being friends when you don't get to see each other very often. We all blog to let others know what's going on and to share exciting things.
I don't mind if people I don't know comment nice things, or look at the blog... it's the ones that you don't know who comment mean, out of line, rude comments that ruin it. Blogging is meant to be fun, not for putting down others. So for this reason I'm setting my blog to private... sorry to make it an inconvenience for anyone, but I was really hurt by this person. So please comment your email addresses before Thanksgiving and that way I will add you so you can still read the fun updates. Thank you!
Christmas swap
9 years ago