Every Wednesday we head to the library and go to 'baby bookworms'. It's a singing/reading time that is free for the kids. Fortunately, the person who does this at the library on Wednesdays is our Stake President's wife. She absolutely loves Dawson and misses him if he doesn't show up. Monty loves it too! He could be totally asleep, but once he hears the singing he is up and at it.
This last Wednesday they did a science show for all the kids to kick off their summer reading program. Dawson's goal is to read a book with us every night! So far so good. My goal is to read to him every night, and read at least 5 novels. So far I've read 2 which were absolutely awesome! Julianne Donaldson writes books that are similar to Pride and Prejudice. So to add to my reading I have watched Pride and Prejudice a million times already because I love it.
The science show was outside, so we had to get Monty his sunglasses. He loves them!
MK loves Monty soooo much!
I asked my mom to send a baseball cap for Monty because I couldn't find any in the stores close by.... she sent a big surprise for everyone! Dawson is wearing MK's hat and thought he looked so cute! He definitely looks cute! He wants to wear this outfit (minus the hat) every single day. He loves America stuff and more importantly he loves swim shirts.
I went to our storage unit to drop off more clutter in our house and as I turned to close it, I sliced open my foot on the sharp concrete edge. It doesn't look terrible, but it was so deep it's still tender and healing. No bueno!
Monty loves to be like the rest of us. He screams as he watches us eat dinner or lunch. SO, I decided if he was that interested in eating solids (not baby food cuz he likes that and eats it every day (twice a day) but it's not his favorite), I decided to give him a graham cracker. HE LOVED IT!! He loved it so much he would eat and make noises of 'mmmmm'.
I laid Monty about 2-3 feet below the head of the bed. However, those blinds look so fun to play with. It was raining this morning which made it seem like the blinds were making noises and saying 'come play with me.' So Monty arched his back, bent his knees, pushed off with his feet and eventually made it to those glorious blinds. I was in so much shock, but proud that he figured out a solution to his problem and acted upon it. :-) Such a smart boy!
We've come to find that Monty is extremely persistent! He never lets up, especially for things he wants. If he wants to be held, he will just squeal and scream FOREVER until I pick him up. I like to just wait and let him calm himself down, but it's not like he's upset. He's just being extremely loud and doesn't stop. This is no joke or an over exaggeration. After about 3-5 minutes I can't take it and everyone is getting after me to "please get Monty so he will be quiet."
If Monty wants a graham cracker he will do the same thing. If I go to clean him up, he actually cries because he just loves to knaw on that cracker and suck it down.
One thing that we've found calms Monty down (to where he's quiet) is bath time. He loves to splash and kick and splash and kick. He loves to play with Dawson in the bath too. Don't get me wrong, he's still hyper active, but he's more quiet.
The other thing that Monty could go HOURS doing is being outside. He could be starving hungry, and my milk could be going hard because he hasn't eaten in 4-5 hours, BUT he could care less if he is outside. It doesn't matter the weather, he will look out the window and just squeal to go outside. You don't have to give him attention, he will just watch nature as it is and be so content and happy. I love this about him. We go on so many walks and it makes us all happy.