Lately Dawson has been so kind! He is growing up so much! The other morning he came in and said, "Good morning Dad! Dad.... you're a great dad."
Then later that day he said to me, "Mom, you're a great mom."
He has been so good at saying thank you and please to everything. When we try to help him solve a problem he will say, "YA! That's a great idea! Good idea mom/dad!" "Good job"
He reminds us all the time, "Mom, Dawson is just....Dawson is just so awesome." I'm so glad he has confidence in himself! When others say, "You are just so cute!" Dawson replies, "Yeah" or "Yep"
We just love this little man and how happy he makes us every day! We love you Dawson!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Words of Praise
Posted by The Stevens Family at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2012
I mentioned in the last post that Dawson watched J.D. give me a priesthood blessing. Well- ever since then anytime I tell Dawson I don't feel good and am just laying on the bed trying to keep things down Dawson will immediately give me a hug and say, "It'll be okay mom. Sssshhh" and pat my head or hold my head. It's the sweetest thing ever.
He will then put his hands on my head and say, " And please don't be sick. And please the baby not make you sick anymore. And you feel better and not be sick. Thank you- Amen."
Then he will hold my head again and say, "It'll be okay. You feel better now?"
It just melts my heart that he took so much from watching the power of the priesthood being used in our home. I'm so grateful for it and for J.D. being able to hold it. I couldn't be a more proud mother to learn so much from my son that he as a three year old recognized how important it was watching his dad give a blessing. You wouldn't think a three year old understands, but it's like Dawson just knows what the priesthood is and remembers from before he came down to Earth. He believes in it and it helps me continue to have faith in the priesthood power.
Aside from being the most caring three year old boy, he will come in every morning and tell the baby and I and J.D. "Good morning!" He will tell us if the baby is crying and he will try to make him/her happy. If he forgets to say Good morning, he will remind us later, "Mom- I forgot to tell the baby good morning!" And then he will kiss my tummy and talk to the baby. He is going to be the best big brother ever!
He also helps me when I'm sick. He will bring me water, towels, ice packs, blankets, the remote, or just sit and talk to me. This morning he wrapped a blanket over me and laid down beside me, took my phone away, and said, "So mom- whatch you think? Are you comferble?" We laid there talking about random stuff and he didn't mind just sitting there. It's amazing how he knows what I need and is so GIVING! He takes on taking care of me while J.D. is at work. He truly is special and was definitely sent to J.D. and I for several perfect reasons!
Posted by The Stevens Family at 2:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2012
Pregnancy Sickness & Pregnancy Joys
Well... right after we found out we went to Holden for General Conference, soccer games, and just to see family. Sunday as you know was April fools...background first- for Christmas I made J.D.'s parents a craft that shows children, grand children, and on-the-way scoreboard type thing is the best way to explain it. The on-the-way score has been 0 since Chase which was way back in September when he was born. Also, us Stevens' have been AMAZING at having a grandchild born every year for 5 years.
Back to April Fools- J.D. and I knew we could have changed the board, but we wanted to wait til my graduation May 4th- that way we would be further along. So we changed the board and put a little sticky note that said, "Congratulations Loni and Daniel." It was hilarious- no one noticed almost the entire day! When it did get noticed, a lot of us had some questioning looks and didn't know if it was true or not- of course we played along like we didn't know either. Finally someone asked Loni and it turned out to be pretty funny- secretly we wished it were true and they were hiding something as well, but it wasn't. :-( However it was really funny and a good April Fools joke.
The next day is when it all hit- yep, I was super sick! I just kept praying that it wasn't going to get as bad as with Dawson. I tried everything! I'd try eating to see if it wouldn't make me sick- but everything was coming up. J.D. gave me a blessing and it really got me through the night. Dawson was able to see the blessing as well and well... that's another story.
The next morning we headed to the doctor's office to get the pregnancy confirmed and let them know I was sick. The doctor immediately prescribed some anti-nausea pills. We tried them all- and no bueno. It was unsuccessful- things just got worse. I couldn't keep anything down and was just starving- so Monday we called the doctor again and immediately we had to go into the Infusion Clinic to get hydrated and the zofran injection. That night they inserted a Picc line... :-( I was grateful, but since then we've had to go into the IV clinic 2 times every day. One of the visits is about 2 1/2 hours long for the hydration bags to run. It's been pretty hard.
The zofran we are now going to start getting every 4 hours because in between treatments last week I would end up throwing everything up after the zofran wore off- even with the supplemental zofran pill. AND hopefully home therapy starts Monday so we can not have to strain our schedules so much. I am not doing too good right now, but we are in high hopes it's getting better. I look at so many people who look pregnant and just dream about the day this baby comes.
Ending on more pregnancy joys- One thing that doesn't make the IV clinic so bad to sit through is that J.D. and Dawson will come visit me. Today Dawson gets to come by himself for a little bit because J.D. can't get off work in time. Dawson gets so excited to come see me and it makes me feel so good!
Posted by The Stevens Family at 2:09 PM 1 comments
Labels: 2012
Baby #2 if FINALLY on it's way!
Needless to say, he was right the whole time about a baby being in my tummy....
On March 29th, J.D., Dawson, and I found out that we were having another baby! How we decided to check if I was pregnant...well I am one whose NEVER been able to count or figure out ovulation or menstration. It's seriously something that has never been anything I've had to worry about. With Dawson, J.D. threw the birth control away and we weren't 'trying,' but whatever happened happened....and Dawson happened a month later. This one... we've been trying since September so you'd think I'd figured it out, but when I thought I had it down I was I never did get to figure out my true cycle... lol!
So on with the story- I had kept telling J.D. I think it had been over a month and I was late. He kept saying, "no, it's one more week." Ya- I was right and he was wrong for once! I decided to secretly take a test that night and watched it appear positive! I was excited- but very very scared that the sickness was on it's way. I yelled for Dawson and told him, "Mommy has a baby in her tummy! Can you go tell dad that your going to be a big brother?" Dawson lit up and ran with the stick to go tell J.D.
Dawson, "DAD! I'm going to be a big brother! There's a baby in mommy's tummy!"
Dad, "Really?"
Dawson showed him the stick and said, "See it says here!"
I came in after Dawson and J.D. was so excited! As you can see in the pictures- it was a great night! (ps- the stick is clean... I realized that may seem kind of weird holding the stick and wondering if we cleaned it and yes we did. haha)
Mommy and Dawson- so proud!
Posted by The Stevens Family at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2012