Saturday, January 11, 2014

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve we had a delicious steak dinner at our house with Chet, Bobi Sue, and their kids. It was really a lot of fun and we made it to midnight. Dawson and his cousins played and played and played! I would dare say it was one of Dawson's favorite days. We had hats and little party blowers. I didn't get pics of that night, but earlier that day Dawson helped J.D. work. It helped make his day for sure.
The next morning I found Dawson playing some sort of something with Grandma Shelley's glasses and note pad...
He's so creative! lol! Then that evening to celebrate January 1st, Dawson wanted to roast smores with this little indoor smore cooker that Molly and Lucas gave us when they were cleaning out their storage. They were going to throw it away, but I snatched it before they did, thank goodness! We love it!
It was a great camping night indoors! We didn't set any goals really, but its bound to be full of lots of adventures and family time.

Our Little Chunk

Monty is now 1 month old and is getting so chunky and cute! We just love it! We went to St. George this last weekend and on our way back we were able to stop and see our friends Cole and Courtney Shakespear. They had a little baby girl, Bailey Rue, 3 days after Monty. Monty was born on her due date, but was 3 weeks early from his own. Baily was 3 days overdue.... Monty is HUGE next to her. We couldn't stop laughing, it was so cute!
We put them in diapers and Bailey's diaper overlaps her while Monty's is cutting off circulation. :-) 
He's pretty serious most of the time and can make you feel like an idiot with ease, but once in a while he gives us a little smile.
We really can't get enough of him.

He has inherited the 'sleep with one arm (sometimes both) up' gene..... This as far as we know comes from Grandpa Stevens, to J.D., and both Dawson and Monty do this.
We've definitely come to find that he is 'One cool Dude' as his shirt explains...
He doesn't just wear cool dude clothes, he expresses it as well...

either he is telling us he is cool or he is showing us 'blue steel or magnum' from zoolander.....

Dawson and him spend lots of time together! Dawson is so in tune with Monty and is such a HUGE help. He is always willing to hold him, and will watch him while I take a shower or clean the house. Dawson loves to play with him and move his arms around- seriously the cutest brotherly love I have ever seen. 
There is many days and times we all take naps together.
We are adjusting well and loving having a bigger family. Monty is doing great and is now 1 month old! time flies! However he constantly seems older than what he is by the way looks at you and his strength. He is remarkably strong and I often find him further up in the crib than where I place him because he scoots in his sleep. He can hold his head up so well and tries to stand on my tummy when I am holding him on my chest. He is finally getting rid of this jaundice, but has a little cold. The kid can't catch a break since he's come into this world. He is starting to figure out his nights and days, as well as the idea that he needs to go back to sleep after feeding at night. He is becoming really vocal and picky about where he sleeps and wanting attention. We just love this little guy!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Monty meet Great Grandma Stevens

We left for Holden, our first travel trip with Monty, the weekend after Christmas. We opened our presents from J.D.'s parents and then we went to introduce Monty to his Great Grandma Stevens. 

She didn't want us taking her pic so J.D. had to sneak one. She just loves her grandkids so much and makes each of us feel so special. She held Monty for so long and he loved every minute. He'd open his eyes, then fall asleep, and wake up again. Grandma kept saying how sweet he was. We love her so much and I'm so grateful she is still her to meet more grandkids.

Merry Christmas!

We spent Christmas with just J.D., myself, Dawson, and Monty. Luckily I had decorated the week prior to Monty's arrival. I seriously believe that I subconsciously knew Monty was coming and I was just getting ready so I could relax when he got home. I even pushed us all to go to our Ward party the night before Monty came. It was such a good ward party and we all got to see Mr. and Mrs. Claus. I've never seen Mrs. Claus before, so it was extra special for all of us. Dawson told Santa he wanted a race track and a guitar.

 Christmas Eve Dawson drew a picture for Santa and set it by his milk and cookies.

I didn't get pictures of our decorations, but Christmas morning Dawson woke up at 4:30!! I told him that we still needed to sleep, but he could just sit in the living room and wait until 6. However, Dawson ran to his dad and J.D. got up and played with his new race track that Santa got him. Dawson was SO excited! 

By the time I got out to the living room, Dawson had dumped every stocking out and was more than ready to open the rest of the gifts. We took turns opening gifts and 
Dawson got: a race track, a ukelele from Uncle Choc, a dusty the crophopper remote control plane, a horse shoe tie tac and a warrior tie tac, a fort set up thing, lots of movies, a temple picture, and a samuri castle thing.
Andee was given a butterfly ornament in her stocking from Santa. 
Monty got a digital, 5 second thermometer, some clothes, and a camera toy from Dawson.
Jenny got a paper shredder, a temple picture, some exercise sweaters, a camo sweater to match J.D., a kettle korn popper, and a foot stool so I can get on the bed easier.
J.D. got a cowboy hat holder for the truck and one to hang on the wall, a camo sweater, exercise sweaters, a temple picture, a king size blanket, and a Iphone arm band. 

Here are the boys in their Christmas jammies! Dawson was still sick so he kept wearing his mask. Such handsome boys we have! We spent the rest of the day lounging.
My parents came up from St. George and we had a delicious Christmas dinner: steak, potatoes, salad, and rolls. We watched movies and played with all our new stuff. It was so nice to spend time with my parents too. The next day my dad took us out to eat at Red Robin, and Grandpa paid for Dawson to ride the carousel!

 It was such a special Christmas being able to do our own traditions and have Monty with us.