As mentioned earlier, we have a nut on our hands! He does the funniest things on his own!
Here is our lovely nut! He found this frisbee and keeps putting it on his head as seen below. Don't ask why he puts it that way, but it's super funny! He never puts it all the way over his head..just this way.
Here is a pic of our haunted gingerbread houses! Mine is the tall one, and yes it is SUPPOSED to be crooked. Dawson really helped out a lot with his. He liked to eat the frosting off of it.
Here is our lovely nut! He found this frisbee and keeps putting it on his head as seen below. Don't ask why he puts it that way, but it's super funny! He never puts it all the way over his head..just this way.
He loves silky feel. He has a blanket that was J.D.'s when he was a baby. J.D. absolutely love this thing, and drug it around everywhere. You can tell it's old...and it's pink too...Anyways, J.D.'s mom gave the blanket to us to use, since it was J.D.'s. Dawson LOVES it! Another thing he found that is silky feeling is mom's! He just rubs it on his face cuz he loves the feel. HAHA! It's absolutely hilarious. He is into putting on clothes he wants to wear it around as well. He doesn't quite fit into it the right way, but he fits into other ways...and of course he is screaming at me because I tried to take it away...
Every morning, Dawson and I usually have a bowl of cereal together. He's getting quite good at using a spoon by the way. After I get done with eating all the cereal, like a normal person would do..they drink the milk out from the bowl. Dawson sees me do this. So he tries it...
Monkey see, monkey do. He's getting to such a fun age. You'll have to put some videos up so we can see him in action.
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