Friday, April 30, 2010

I need some serious advice!

So i know I've posted about Dawson sleeping all the way through the night, which he really has done several times. But since I last posted about it, was the last time... I'm pretty sure its been over a month. I am DEAD tired. He wakes up around 4 or 4:30 and I have tried
letting him cry himself to sleep. 2 reasons it hasn't worked- J.D. doesn't get sleep and so he gives in, and Dawson throws up everywhere which makes it worse to just let him cry.
I have tried sleeping on the floor by his crib, and in the rocking chair just after he wakes up to let him know I'm there. He tries to come lay by me, or climb to have me hold him and I'm very strong, I tell him, "No, you need to lay down. Mom isn't going to hold you." So I sing to him, or read another book, play primary music without words- NONE has worked. I have done this method for 8 days straight and i had no improvement.
I tried making a bed for him on the floor by our bed and practicing multiple times with him, to show him that he needs to come from his room to the bed on the floor and lay down. This only works if I lay on the floor with him. So I did this for 5 days or so and then tried having him do it on his own....nope. He just cries until he throws up or until I get him.
I've tried rocking him back to sleep, and holding him, but once I go to lay him down he wakes up. So I rocked him for 1 week straight for a whole HOUR and then laid him down. Well, he started crying after I had laid down in the bed for 10 min.
So, the last resort we thought of so far was just bringing him in to let him sleep with us. This results in J.D. moving to the couch, and Dawson waking up SEVERAL more times in the night because every time I move, he wakes up. He also feels for me and my hair, if he can't feel it immediately, he starts screaming.
I have limited the amount of candy and pop he's drinking and eating, making him eat more solids and less sippy cups, and have limited TV/Movie time and the kind of shows he's watching. i have given him benedryl ..yes sadly I have done so, but I think he metabolizes it so fast it doesn't work-(I have this problem with all medication and especially anything the is an anesthetic.)
In the end after he wakes up, we are both awake for 2 hours almost, and then he sleeps so good from 6-9. He doesn't go to bed til 10 usually, so the problem is the 2 hours being awake. I end up breaking down more times than necessary. I just need my sleep too so I can function properly.

I am asking for some serious advice. I will try and do anything. All you moms out there- help another mom in need please! :-) Thanks!


Tulsi said...

Kass never liked his crib. He would wake up a lot. Several different times a night. After he was just a little older than a year, we took the crib out and put the real bed in. That actually worked for him. And then sometimes he would just come and crawl in bed with us. We had a king sized water bed at the time. It wasn't a water wiggly one. It might be that that is his his wake up time. Does he still seem sleepy or ready to be up? Kass needed very little sleep and would go through his day like a crazy boy. No naps after about a year and a half. Will he lay on the floor with you and go back to sleep? He wouldn't feel you move around maybe. When we moved Mik to a real bed we had to lay by her until she fell asleep (about 15 - 30 min or so) for about a year. But that was starting out to sleep for the night. With sleep with the kids little I did what ever worked without worrying about changing habits. Mik just didn't need us one day and that was it. The kids didn't sleep with us until about age 3 and they stopped on their own. It's kind of hard with Dawson's age because he will get used to something and expect it. But he may just one day be done with it, too. Our kids didn't always sleep in our bed. Kids tend to go through different things as they grow through the different stages. Can he hear the neighbors on the other side of his room?

Shantel Elise said...

I have no advice for you... but I just want to wish you good luck. I can't even imagine how difficult that would be. So even though I have no advice, at least you can take comfort in the fact that someone cares about you and little Dawson!

Ben and Misty said...

Oh that is so rough! You can ask my husband I am a monster if I don't get my sleep... There have been several times lately where Hunter wakes up in the middle of the night and is awake for like 3 hours. And almost everytime we have found that once we give him a piece of bread to eat he goes right back to sleep no problem. I don't know if that will help you but I've finally realized that on days when he won't eat very well he ends up waking up. Everybody has told me it's perfectly normal for him to go through stages where he doesn't eat much, but now I make sure he eats really well otherwise he always wakes up! I hope you find something soon that works for you!

Devin & Ruthann said...

That would be so hard!

I would say let him cry it out, but since he throws up, I wouldn't do that.

So, I would say have him sleep anywhere but your bed, like on your floor, but you've done that and it doesn't work either.

So, I would say, if he naps during the day, try keeping him up so he's more tired at night and will go to sleep easier. But, if he already doesn't nap, that wouldn't work.

It sounds like you've tried everything even adjusting his diet and tv time, which I think is a great idea and stay strong with those improvements.

You could talk to his pediatrician about all this. Sometimes they have good advise.

You could try moving him into a "big boy bed" and see how he does. I know it will be hard, but do NOT lay with him once or he will always want you to. It was easy for me to be tough with my boys b/c they would cry, and be fine. But since Dawson throws up, that's whole other issue in itself...I don't know!

Oh, one thing about the big boy bed...with Jaxon we wouldn't lay with him and he didn't like that but we told him that if he got out of his bed we would shut his bedroom door. He hated to have the door shut, so he would stay in bed. If he got out, we shut it for a few minutes and then would go back in and put him in his bed and try it again. We never laid with him and eventually he stayed in bed.

So, I don't really know what to do...

My Life with Carson said...

Umm advise SUCK IT UP!, or let his favorite Aunt Jori take him, he ALWAYS sleeps with me! Carson still sleeps with me, and wakes up between 3 to 4, he just needs a drink and then he takes me hair. Give the kid a break! He'll be fine! you could maybe double his dose of the medicine! But the offer is on the table, think about it, I can always make Dawson nap! The kid loves me!