Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dawson's Update

Dawson had a visit to the doctor and dentist this last couple of days. For the doctor's visit, he was in the
83th percentile for height
56th percentile in head circumference
15th percentile for weight

Still tall and skinny. He doesn't look extremely skinny, he is just light weight. He is a pretty healthy boy other than his throwing up problem. He has had this since he was born. At first I wasn't concerned, but now that he is 2, I just feel like it shouldn't be happening as often as it does. The good thing is that it is NOT affecting his health as far as growing. It does NOT hurt him when it happens. The problem is that he should have grown out of it by now, and it could be tearing up his esophagus. This could lead to permanent damage, and possibly lead to cancers later on in life. So we got a referral to go see a G.I. specialist. It's not a emergency concern, just something that needs to be controlled.

I am not way concerned, or stressing out over the whole thing. I just would like to have to not deal with throwing up once a day and I don't want this to be a cause of something more serious for Dawson later on. I think I am mostly scared about what they will have to do to find out the problem. I am extremely terrified of hospitals, and ALWAYS try to find a reason not to go. I definitely have anxiety thinking about all the things that could happen. I don't mind doctor's offices, or clinics, but hospitals are and have always been hard for me to cope with. I think it is probably because of all the things that actually do happen there...and partly comes from scary movies that I shouldn't have watched.

The dentist office was good to. We did have to wait 1 hour and 45 minutes! They had 2 emergencies that morning and were trying to catch up from a 2 1/2 hour wait. I was so exhausted from trying to keep Dawson happy.. He did alright until the end, which was nap time. We finally got called back, and had to wait in the room for another 30 minutes. That was torture on my part. There were so many things Dawson wanted to play with that I had to keep restraining him from. And finally the Dentist came. He was so nice and apoligized a million times for the wait. Dawson had no cavities and the dentist said his teeth look GREAT! So he go a certificate to Red Robin! We ate and then went to my mom's for a nice nap.

He is growing so much! and talking tons! He loves to cuddle or hold hands when he falls asleep. He doesn't like being alone. He loves to read us books, his horses, and guns. He has the funniest sense of humor! With all this cuteness comes mischievousness too. He LOVES to test everything we say 'no' to. His eyes will look at us while he continues to do the things we ask him not to. His other new love is doing what the big kids do. He thinks he can just do whatever everyone else does. It's so funny to watch him stand like the big kids, laugh when they laugh, and just follow them around.

There is Dawson in a nutshell!


Shantel Elise said...

Jenny, Dawson is so cute! I'm glad that you are doing well, and I am excited for you that you finished your courses for the semester.

Every once in a while, David will say something about "his old roommate JD" and I'm like "JD? JD that married Jenny? Isn't that so cool??" Haha. Cool.

Also, I changed my e-mail to Can you add that to your blog list instead of my old e-mail? Thanks so much!

Chelsea said...

Love the update! :) still haven't done the dentist with our kids. Dont tell...

Tulsi said...

I was having issues and had a scope done and just ended up with a widening of my esophagus. I imagined many different bad things. Don't wait to have Dawson looked at. It could be an easy fix. That's a long time for him to have this problem. He is such a cute little guy!!