Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Muscle Definition

Our little....husky Monty is growing and growing and growing! We find out next week what how tall he actually is, but for now he seems like one healthy baby. He has little rolls all over. He isn't fat, it's more like stout and husky. :-) We like to refer to his rolls as muscle definition....

He is so much fun! He smiles so big and when he is sad, he pops out his bottom lip so far. His cry is so sweet and melts your heart. He never screams, he just whimpers if anything. Don't get me wrong, he does cry. It's just a sad little cry, nothing loud or frustrating.

He has a little umbilical hernia that you can kind of see in this pic. It seems to be going away though. He likes his binky, but isn't attached to it yet. He loves to have space and lay on the floor. He will lay there, on his back, for an hour if we let him. He plays with this little play set thing and is starting to reach for the toys hanging. The toy has a mirror that faces him and Monty will just grin and grin at himself. He has started to giggle! It's so cute! He loves talking to you and never fails to make one smile. He likes to watch movies, or just sit up in your lap. He will sit with you forever! Just as long as he is sitting up and facing out.

He is sleeping pretty good. He will go 5 hours, and then every 3 hours after that. He is so different from Dawson. I can lay him down awake and he will fall asleep. He will probably start rolling over soon...he is getting so close! He scoots on the ground.... I don't think he knows what he is doing, but he will arch his back, push up with his arms, and his little feet flex, and then he pops his feet to a point and it scoots him forward. He will do this over and over again... but he is so little I'm pretty sure he is just doing tricks. lol

He loves his mom. He absolutely loves Dawson. He likes J.D., but in the end he always wants his mom. I don't mind it at all. I prefer it actually. He loves to be swaddled and knows it's bedtime when he gets swaddled.

He is a funny little eater, and EXTREMELY loud. I get embarrassed to talk to anyone on the phone while he is eating because the person on the other end of the line can always hear him. I am embarrassed to feed him in public because he is so loud! lol! It's hilarious! The positive side to that, is that he eats fast. He hates switching sides. When he pulls off one side and I bring him up to burp him, he will fuss and fuss and fuss. And then he burps LOUD, whimpers because it hurts to burp, and then finally gets to eat the other side. I think he'd rather eat all one side and finish, but it would make me lop sided and his burp would probably hurt worse.

The last update is he has started to teeth! His poor gums are so swollen and those teeth just go up and down. We can always tell when they are coming up again because he will get fussy, clear runny nose, lots of drooling, and he just pries on his hands with his mouth. He doesn't really run a fever which is nice. I hate teething and can only imagine the pain.

We love our our little husk. He is so much fun and we finally feel like he is just fitting into our schedule and lives. We love watching him learn and grow, especially because he is so happy about it.